Ultimate Reveal! The Late Late Show ‘Anyone Can Be a Star’
Ireland’s infamous The Late Late Show reveals ‘Anyone Can Be A Star’ by Five Grand Stereo. Being a drummer, now & again you get the chance to show off your playing on live TV. Even if it does mean miming over your pre recorded tracks… However, it was indeed a privilege to perform on the Late Late Show.
April 2018 – Anyone Can Be A Star
Back in April of 2018 at the RTE studios in Donnybrook, Dublin The Late Late Show showcased our single release ‘Anyone Can Be A Star’. A track from our album Sex and Money.

Rehearsal for the Late Late Show
Any TV appearance requires a rehearsal before the show goes live. This is so the film crew can familiarise themselves with the show schedule and adjust camera / light angles for the performance. Sound levels have to be adjusted and re adjusted until everyone is happy.
We had a couple of run-throughs of our track and after a few monitor adjustments, we were given the all clear. Lucky for me there was an in-house old Ludwig kit from the 1970’s with cymbals I could use, so I just needed to bring my sticks. Moreover as I was miming the performance, the drums were deadened with rubber pads and the cymbals were a ‘dead-set’ to reduce the noise.

One Can’t Resist…
One can’t resist sitting on ‘The’ sofa. Many celebrities have graced it with their presence. So I figured I would do my best to look the part. Our native Irish singer Jane did the honours of interviewing me. Alas, I honestly can’t remember what talked about but I think it had something to do with drums…

So, after rehearsal and our little trip back into Dublin city centre for some sustenance, we were back at RTE studios. Getting ready for that evening’s performance – which meant a quick fix in the make-up room. Not forgetting a change into our stage clothes and we were ready for showtime.

Playing on Live TV can certainly play havoc on one’s nerves. There was quite a lot of pacing going on in the dressing room beforehand. Once we’d received our 5min call it was time to walk onto set and get ready. It’s a bit of a cliché but once it’s time to perform the nerves go away.
We all had a blast on the show and were grateful to everyone who made the show happen for us. We’d love to do it again!
Have you played on the Late Late Show or something similar? Let me know in the comments below.